On Monday, 6 October 2014 at 02:35:52 UTC, Shammah Chancellor wrote:
It doesn't "catch" the error. Propigation should continue as normal.

Right, it only "intercepts, cleanups, and rethrows". But the argument is that even that shouldn't happen, as you aren't sure the cleanup code is still relevant.

At least, I don't think it should be doing cleanup unless you go out of your way to say: "do this, *even* in case of errors".

I mean, your RAII has already failed anyways. Your memory has leaked, your ref counts are of the counter, your transactions are open, your file handles are open...

The only thing you should be doing is trying to die gracefully, and maybe salvage user data. Your program is in *ERROR*. Cleanup really shouldn't be the priority, especially if it can potentially add more corruption to your state.

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