On 10/6/14, 9:58 AM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
It would be*very*  nice if once in a while (say once a week, or once a
month) you and/or Walter can do a little write-up about the current
status of things. Say a list of top 5 projects currently being worked
on, a list of the top 5 current priorities, a short blurb about
"progress this past week/month" (which could be as simple as "we've been
swamped with fixing regressions, haven't been able to work on anything
else", or "Facebook has me on a short leash, I haven't been able to work
on D", etc.). This should be in its own thread, titled something like
"Weekly [or monthly] status update", not buried underneath mountains of
posts in one of our infamous interminable threads about some
controversial topic, like to autodecode or not to autodecode.

Of course, who am I to tell you what to do... but IMO a periodical
high-level status update like the above would go a*long*  way in
dispelling complaints of "lack of direction" or "unclear/unknown
priorities". It doesn't have to be long, either. Even a 1 page (OK, OK,
*half*  a page), bullet-point post is good enough.

That's a really nice idea. -- Andrei

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