auto x = foo();
auto y = bar();
auto z = baz();

if (x - y > z) { ... }

This might be a bug, if one of these functions returns an unsigned type. Good luck finding that. Note that if all functions return
unsigned, there isn't even any signed-unsigned mismatch.

I believe the correct statement, is "With only a bit of care one can use D's unsigned types for positive numbers and believe that one's code is
correct, even though it contains subtle bugs."

Well I'm sorry but I quite disagree. -- Andrei

This might be a bug.

'Length' always needs to compare sizes. 'Width' and 'Height' like it.

************************ dfl/drawing.d line:185 -218 **************************

        Size opAdd(Size sz)
                Size result;
                result.width = width + sz.width;
                result.height = height + sz.height;
                return result;
        Size opSub(Size sz)
                Size result;
                result.width = width - sz.width;
                result.height = height - sz.height;
                return result;
        void opAddAssign(Size sz)
                width += sz.width;
                height += sz.height;
        void opSubAssign(Size sz)
                width -= sz.width;
                height -= sz.height;
if the type of width and height are size_t,then their values will be error.

small test:
import std.stdio;

void main()
        size_t width = 10;
        size_t height = 20;
        writeln("before width is ",width," ,height is ",height);
    height -= 1;
    width -= height;
    writeln("after width is ",width," ,height is ",height);
"after width is " ERROR.

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