On 02.12.2014 23:00, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
4) This isn't the end of the story. There's also this lovely bug:


which, as its number should tell you, has been around for a LONG time.
Executive summary:

        // mymod.d
        module mymod;
        private int impl;

        // main.d
        module main;
        import mymod;

        void impl() { ... }

        void main() {
                impl(); // Error: main.impl conflicts with mymod.impl (WAT?)

This compiles as expected. I guess you rather mean to import impl from two modules, one with a public impl, the other with a private impl. I don't think this belongs to the same set of issues as the other examples (though I agree private symbols from imports should not be considered in overload sets).

Here is another bad example of local import symbol hijacking:

module base;

class Base
        import std.conv;

module derived;
import base;
import std.stdio;

string text = "123";

class Derived : Base
        static void foo()

void main()

This prints an empty line!

The documentation isn't very specific about symbol lookup rules, I found the import rules on dlang.org/modules.html: "How basic imports work is that first a name is searched for in the current namespace. If it is not found, then it is looked for in the imports. If it is found uniquely among the imports, then that is used. If it is in more than one import, an error occurs."

I don't think "namespace" here is chosen to mean something like "C++ namespace". If you replace it with "module", most of the problems described go away.

The contradicting specification follows for scoped imports offending part: "The imports are looked up to satisfy any unresolved symbols at that scope. Imported symbols may hide symbols from outer scopes."

This defeats one of the major goals of the module system: avoiding symbol hijacking (http://dlang.org/hijack.html). Removing that last sentence would be in line with the paragraph above. I.e. local imports just add to the imports. This does not make the rules any more difficult. (The implementation would be a tad more involved, though.)

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