Hi, i need help to find strange error in my project


if you have time to compile it and test.


class SardObjects(T: SardObject): SardObject
    void afterAdd(T object){
//writeln(this.classinfo.name ~ ".add:" ~ object.classinfo.name);
        writeln("This is not compiled line");

I added "writeln" to the function afterAdd in base class/template the compiler stop compiler

it work if i commented all adding objects in function created in class SrdEnvironment line about 1515 but there is object used the same add function in scanner.d/class SrdLexical: SardLexical line 817, it is work there, if i moved controls and operators from Envirement to Lexical it compiled, only in Envirement not work.

I can't recognize the error there, why compiler need to interpret it in compiler time?

Error: fprintf cannot be interpreted at compile time, because it has no available source code C:\D\dmd2\src\phobos\std\stdio.d 2537 called from here: enforce(fprintf((*stdout._p).handle, "%.*s\x0a", cast(int)_param_0.length, cast(immutable(char)*)_param_0) >= 0, delegate const(char)[]() => null, "C:\\D\\dmd2\\windows\\bin\\..\\..\\src\\phobos\\std\\stdio.d", 2537u) C:\D\dmd2\src\phobos\std\stdio.d 2537 called from here: writeln("This is not compiled line") W:\home\d\lib\sard\src\sard\classes.d 94 called from here: this.afterAdd(object) W:\home\d\lib\sard\src\sard\classes.d 100 called from here: super.add(c) W:\home\d\lib\sard\src\sard\objects.d 1109 called from here: __withSym.add("(", cast(SardControl)9) W:\home\d\lib\sard\src\sard\objects.d 1515 called from here: this.created() W:\home\d\lib\sard\src\sard\classes.d 68 called from here: super.this() W:\home\d\lib\sard\src\sard\objects.d 1550

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