On 12/25/14 5:18 PM, Mike Parker wrote:
On 12/26/2014 9:48 AM, Manu via Digitalmars-d wrote:

Ironically, the string and algorithm functions are probably the worst
offenders, but coincidentally, there is a high chance that these are
the first functions anyone will ever reach for, so they present a
terrible first impression.


When I first made the move from D1 to D2, this caused me no end of
frustration. The docs were quite unhelpful in this regard. It irked me
enough that I wrote a rant about it on my old blog. It doesn't bother me
anymore, so I haven't thought about it in years. This post brings it back.

I thought the std.algorithm stuff is decently documented. What would be the major pain points? -- Andrei

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