On Sunday, 28 December 2014 at 15:57:39 UTC, Ary Borenszweig wrote:

After programming in Ruby for a long time (and I think in Python it's the same) I came to the conclusion that all the sections (Return, Params, Example) just make writing the documentation a harder task. For example:

 * Returns a lowered-case version of a string.
 * Params:
 *   - x: the string to be lowered case
 * Return: the string in lower cases
string lowercase(string x)

It's kind of redundant. True, there might be something more to say about the parameters or the return value, but if you are reading the documentation then you might as well read a whole paragraph explaining everything about it.


Most of the time I know what the function does but I need the docs for the parameters and types.

For example, this is the documentation for the String#downcase method in Ruby:

def downcase(str)

Returns a copy of `str` with all uppercase letters replaced with their lowercase counterparts. The operation is locale insensitive—only characters “A” to “Z” are affected. Note: case replacement is effective only in ASCII region.

    "hEllO".downcase   #=> "hello"

Note how the documentation directly mentions the parameters. There's also an example snippet there, that is denoted by indenting code (similar to Markdown).

Again, I don't want to wade through a wall of text just to get the parameter types or what a function returns. The signature itself is too noise IMO so explicit Return & Param sections are preferable IMO.

I'd also like to see TemplateParms: or TemplateTraits:, as others have already mentioned.

I think it would be much better to use Markdown for the documentation, as it is so popular and easy to read (although not that easy to parse).

DDoc is not hard to read or write so Markdown would be wasted effort. If DDoc generated Markdown that might be useful for the WIKI.

Then it would be awesome if the documentation could be smarter, providing semi-automatic links. For example writing "#string.join" would create a link to that function in that module (the $(XREF ...) is very noisy and verbose).

+1 I agree links to functions would be much simpler with a #tag.


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