On Tuesday, 6 January 2015 at 06:43:13 UTC, HaraldZealot wrote:
For my particular project (it binds with something like finite state machine) I will write some counterpart of decode function from std.utf. Future function will decode string backward, return dchar and change index passed by reference.

Is it interesting for community that I code this feature in general way targeting in phobos for future?

For UTF, there's already std.utf.strideBack which does most of the work. I don't know why there is no std.utf.decodeBack - should be very simple to wrap over strideBack.

However, for grapheme clusters, there isn't yet a counterpart for std.uni.graphemeStride/decodeGrapheme, which notably affects std.uni.byGrapheme, which is currently not a bidirectional range. Any improvement would be much appreciated.

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