On Fri, Jan 09, 2015 at 11:46:47AM -0800, Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d 
> Stuff's up!
> http://dlang.org/library-prerelease/core/stdc/complex.html. I couldn't
> get rid of the darn space between the header name and the period.

Isn't this caused by the fact that the various *REF*/*LINK* macros
insert gratuitous  's after the link? I ran into this several times
while rewriting std.algorithm docs, and it's very annoying, since it
precludes using these macros in many places where I'd like to use them.
I've had to rephrase sentences just so the extraneous spaces don't show
up in the wrong place.


Programming is not just an act of telling a computer what to do: it is also an 
act of telling other programmers what you wished the computer to do. Both are 
important, and the latter deserves care. -- Andrew Morton

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