On Friday, 23 January 2015 at 00:24:45 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
I think it's important that we enable Calypso (https://github.com/Syniurge/Calypso) and related tooling that interfaces D with other languages, notably C++.

A key topic in 2015 for D is playing well with C++. A good C++ interface will give access to a host of mature C++ libraries, starting of course with the C++ standard library. More importantly, it will provide a smooth migration path for organizations that want to do development in D whilst taking advantage of their legacy code.

I'm very glad to see this coment from you so that we can get a more fully fleshed out vision for where D is heading with C++ interop. I for instance have developed Smidgen (https://github.com/alynch4047/smidgen) which was to wrap Qt. However, I halted development (having made very good progress, I believe) due to feeling that it could easily be superceded by a more direct interface to C++ such as Calypso seems to be.

These efforts do amount to a lot of work and need commitment (to their architecture) at the top level too. For instance, I needed weak references which I have had to work around, without any feeling that the workaround would continue to work with future changes to the GC. I forget the details but I also had concerns relating to GCed objects being relocated.

Calypso sounds fantastic but seems very tied to one compiler - we all need to know if yourself and Walter are content with that, for instance.

Getting a plan out there so that everyone can pull in one direction would be great.

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