On 1/29/15 8:42 AM, Atila Neves wrote:
After this thread:


I had some time today and headed over to Github to see if I could help
out. But I'm not sure what I can do if I don't have the power to approve
PRs. I'm not asking for that power, I haven't earned it yet. I'm just
asking what it is I can do to help, especially on PRs that already have
comments from a bunch of people.

Should I add comments to the ones that don't? Work on my own PRs instead?

Reviewing is available to everyone. In general, it takes 2 reviewers to approve a PR, but only one of those has to have commit capabilities. As long as we know 2 sets of eyes have seen it and approve, it doesn't matter that one of those sets doesn't have commit permissions.

H.S. Teoh (@quickfur) got his wings by reviewing and submitting PRs.


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