On 1/29/2015 11:40 PM, CodeSun wrote:
Recently, I found something really weird when I use strerror_t function
which is declared inside std.c.string.
The code snippet is listed below:
import std.c.string;
import core.stdc.errno;

void main() {
     import std.stdio;
     char[128] buf;
     strerror_r(errno, buf.ptr, buf.sizeof);

The terminal should print "Success" with errno=0, but in this example,
the result is

I test this snippet both on Archlinux and Ubuntu 14.04.1, and the result
is same. If there is someone can help me?
I wanna know if it is my mistake or it is just a bug.

The GNU version of strerror_r is documented as returning

"a pointer to a string containing the error message. This may be either a pointer to a string that the function stores in buf, or a pointer to some (immutable) static string (in which case buf is unused)."

So I think what you may have been seeing in this case is that it was returning a static string, your buffer remained empty and the writeln was printing a bunch of 0xFFs. Probably this is a better way to handle it:

void main()
   import core.stdc.errno : errno;
   import std.c.string : strerror_r;

   // Static arrays are initialized to T.init. For
   // char, T.init is 0xFF, *not* 0. The initializer
   // here will fill the array with 0.
   char[ 128 ] buf = 0;
   auto cstr = strerror_r( errno, buf.ptr, buf.sizeof );

   // Slice the C string with fromStringz. Unlike to!string, this
   // does not allocate or copy.
   import std.string : fromStringz;
   writeln( cstr.fromStringz() );

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