On Tue, 03 Feb 2015 17:33:53 +0000, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d wrote:

> The issue is though that Dub was created because someone did something
> rather than just talking (and emailing) about it.

i have my build system with automatic dependency tracking and flexible 
scripting for many years now. adding D support for it as a task of one 
day. now i have my own repository of packages in "~/.D" (symlinks, 
actually), and can use things like "dlang.require 'derelict.sdl2' ;", 
which will add both Derelict.SDL2 and Derelict.Util as dependency. it's 
in no way ready for public usage, but it works for me perfectly.

ah, and my build system still supports C/C++/ObjC, so i can freely mix 
libraries. and i can pass USE_DMD=1 flag to use DMD instead of GDC.

so why should i try to invest my time in writing yet another build tool 
on D, when my own works like a charm? and it can even do various checking 
a-la 'configure'. and hey, i have "99 bottles of beer" written for it!

yet when there are threads about dub, i'm talking about the things dub 
need, got either no answer at all or "use external script/no", and then 
see that dub still sux.

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