On Sunday, 15 February 2015 at 17:18:08 UTC, Steve D wrote:
Python (built-in)

dict1 = {"a":1,"b":2}
tup1  = (0,1,2,3)
arr1  = [0,1,2,3]  # list type
str1  = "abcd"

print "b" in dict1    # True
print 3 in tup1       # True
print 3 in arr1       # True
print "c" in str1     # True

print tup1.index(2)   # 2
print arr1.index(2)   # 2
print str1.index("c") # 2

There is some sort of consistency of use, though they are different sequence/collection types.

Now try the same in D

auto dict1 = ["a":1,"b":2];
auto tup1  = tuple(0,1,2,3);
auto arr1  = [0,1,2,3];
auto str1  = "abcd";

Having some consistency involving sequences/arrays/strings/collections etc, which are the foundations of any language makes programming much easier, intuitive and pleasant. It shouldn't be too difficult for a super bare-metal language like D. I'm honestly not knocking D (I love it), just some thoughts (maybe provoke some discussion?, for D3?)

Part of the issue is that "in" means to search by key, not by value. In that respect, it only makes sense for dictionaries (and perhaps sets). I guess the idea is that this generic code should be valid for any container which implements the in operator:

    if(a in r) writeln(r[a]);

On a different note, I do wish D had tuple literals like Python has.

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