On Monday, 16 February 2015 at 06:06:19 UTC, Vlad Levenfeld wrote:
Since C++17, there's a new iterator category: the contiguous iterator. Check it out: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/iterator

So, by extension, I think a ContiguousRange would be any RandomAccessRange which has a member called ptr which supports a dereferencing operator * that yields an ElementType!R. This notion is useful for functions which might otherwise perform an element-by-element transfer to an OutputRange via put, instead perform an optimized batch transfer directly to a ContiguousRange via ptr. (Not that Contiguous implies Output; this example assumes the ContigiousRange has enough length to accomodate the transfer or otherwise has mutable length, e.g. builtin arrays.)

I've been using the idea implicitly in my code with static if (is (typeof(*R.init.ptr) == ElementType!R)), but seeing that table made me realize it could be formally abstracted out to a range concept.

From this discussion I understand you mainly want to be able to BitBlt ranges

BitBlt covers multi dimensional arrays as well (2D textures) and might convey the semantic you want better than Contiguous (too fine grained ?).

Also the blitting term is already used in D (post-blit constructor).

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