On 02/26/2015 02:59 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
On 02/26/2015 03:30 AM, Kagamin wrote:
AFAIK, <div src="..."> syntax was proposed for this purpose (with
fallback) in early editions of html5, don't know if it made it into the

Hmm, just looked that up, but all I found on that was one page that
implies (sadly, with no sources referenced) it did not make it in:


However, looks like what happened instead was iframe grew a "seamless"
attribute, which frankly looks pretty damn sweet:


Still researching browser compatibility and adoption though.

TL;DR: New in HTML5: <iframe seamless src="url" /> is the answer
(assuming it isn't still *too* new, not sure yet)

Well, it appears seamless iframes are basically useless despite (from what I can tell) apparently being in the spec for a few years now. Doesn't work at all in even the latest FF. Didn't bother testing the others, but according to this, even today seamless iframes are still supported in exactly *nothing*:


Setting the "display:block" on the iframe's css doesn't help, it just affects placement, not how it gets sized.

There are a few basic CSS settings that help a *little* bit though:

border-width: 0px;
background-color: transparent;
padding: 0px;
overflow: hidden;

Too bad :(

Is it just me or does the moniker "HTML5" seem pretty useless since there doesn't appear to have ever been any *actual* HTML5 spec, just an ever-changing target with piecemeal browser adoption?

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