On Friday, 27 February 2015 at 07:09:20 UTC, Benjamin Thaut wrote:
Am 27.02.2015 um 00:05 schrieb deadalnix:

Note that in D, you have union and all kind of crap like that, so what is writing a pointer is non obvious and so the tradeof is very different
than it is in other languages.

To have any chance of implementing a better GC in D I would simly start of with assuming all code is @safe. For code that is not @safe the user would have to make sure it plays nice with the GC. This would also apply to unions which contain pointer types. If you wan't to write a good GC that does support non @safe features without user input you don't even have to start in my opinion.

That is a reasonable approach (and indeed, I would assume that @system code have to ensure that it does not do something that will confuse the GC).

Still, what you can do when compiling AOT is different than what you can do when you JIT. For instance, when you JIT, you can add write barrier and remove them on the fly when you need to. When doing AOT, they must be always on or always of.

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