On Tuesday, 10 March 2015 at 22:41:32 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
3. As I articulated in the vision document, we aim at making vibe.d an integral part of the D distribution. That's more than a packaging issue: (a) vibe.d must follow the same release process, perhaps even same version numbering; (b) acceptance of a release is contingent upon vibe.d working. I think we need to secure Sönke approval of DIP75.


Don't special-case vibe.d. Dub is the key to the ecosystem. Once you have dub, vibe.d comes for free, even if you don't want to use dub for your project.

Guarantees of operation with particular compiler versions is something for vibe.d versioning, which in turn is the job of dub to manage.

Not breaking vibe.d with dmd/phobos regressions needs the auto-tester, not release bundling.

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