On 12/16/13 12:38 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
bool between(T, U1, U2)(T v, U1 lo, U2 hi)
     return v >= lo && v <= hi;

uint among(T, Us...)(T v, Us vals)
     foreach (i, U; Us)
         if (v == vals[i]) return i + 1;
     return 0;


Looks like among() has proven its worth since we introduced it. Now I somehow forgot between() didn't make it, and reviewed some code at work assuming it exists! Here's the original and proposed in a couple of snippets:

return (path.asPath.logicalLength() <= asPathLengths_[1] &&
            path.asPath.logicalLength() >= asPathLengths_[0]);


return path.asPath.logicalLength.between(asPathLengths_[0], asPathLengths_[1]);


if (prefix.prefixLen > prefixLenRange_[1] ||
        prefix.prefixLen < prefixLenRange_[0]) {


if (!prefix.prefixLen.between(prefixLenRange_[0], prefixLenRange_[1])) {




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