On Monday, 16 March 2015 at 13:55:43 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:
Also, what exactly does the `scope` on T payload get you? Is it just a more specific version of `return` on the this parameter, i.e. `return this.payload`? Why would you need that specificity? What is the dangerous operation it is intended to prevent?

Nick already answered that. I'll expand on his explanation:

Let's take the RC struct as an example. Instances of RC can appear with and without scope. Because structs members inherit the scope-ness from the struct, `payload` could therefore be an unscoped pointer. It could therefore be escaped unintentionally. By adding `scope` to its declaration, we force it to be scoped to the structs lifetime, no matter how it's accessed.

If an RC'd struct is heap-allocated, but one of its members points to the stack, how is it ever safe to escape it? Why shouldn't the heap variable be treated as scoped too, inheriting the most restricted scope of any of its members? To me, the question is not how you can know that a member is scoped, so much as how you could know that it *isn't* scoped, i.e. that a sub-pointer was global while the parent was local. I think it would require a very complicated type system:

struct S {
  T* p;

// note the elaborate new return signature
T* fun(return!(S.p) S x) {
  return x.p;

T* run() {
  S s;
  s.p = new T; // s local, s.p global
  return fun(s);

The above is technically safe, but the question is whether it's too complicated for the benefit. In the absence of such a complicated system, the safe default is to assume a struct is always as scoped as its most scoped member (i.e. transitive scoping). Your idea of `scope` members would only be valid in the absence of this safe default. But even then it would be of limited usefulness, because it would prevent all uses of global references in those members, even if the parent was global. For me, it comes down to that you can't know if anything is global or local until you define an instance of it, which you can't do in the struct definition.

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