On Monday, 30 March 2015 at 23:29:40 UTC, Jonathan wrote:
I have no idea if this has been discussed yet, but I was thinking it would be neat to have benchmark blocks that only run when specified, like how unittest works.


 import std.conv : to;
 int a;
 void f() {auto b = to!string(a);}
 auto r = benchmark!(f)(10_000);
 auto f0Result = to!Duration(r[0]);

rdmd -benchmarks -main myapp.d

Alternatively, the writeln could be replaced with some kind of standard benchmark output utility (similar to the idea of assert when used for unit tests).


I think this can be implemented via a library solution pretty neatly. I was playing with something recently, and I ended up writing an RAII benchmark thing.

   auto b = Benchmark("name here");

   // Run code here.

With the syntax above in mind, you can write a constructor and a destructor for Benchmark which start and stop a timer and then print the results. I got it working before, and it was kind of fun. Another idea is to do this.

void nameHere() {
    // Run code here.

Then you can write something or other which finds functions with the @benchmark attribute and runs a timer as before, etc.

Why add extra syntax for what you can already do pretty nicely with a library?

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