On 4/05/2015 5:39 a.m., Robert burner Schadek wrote:
std.xml has been considered not up to specs nearly 3 years now. Time to
build a successor. I currently plan the following featues for it:

- SAX and DOM parser
- in-situ / slicing parsing when possible (forward range?)
- compile time switch (CTS) for lazy attribute parsing
- CTS for encoding (ubyte(ASCII), char(utf8), ... )
- CTS for input validating
- performance

Not much code yet, I'm currently building the performance test suite

Please post you feature requests, and please keep the posts DRY and on

Preferably the interfaces are made first 1:1 as the spec requires.
Then its just a matter of building the actual reader/writer code.

That way we could theoretically rewrite the reader/writer to support other formats such as html5/svg. Independently of phobos.

Also would be nice to be CTFE'able!

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