On Friday, 24 July 2015 at 20:08:11 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On 7/24/15 3:35 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
Your case works, because the const reference is gone after the cast, and there are no others that were created from the point that it temporarily became const. So, it's a very special case. And maybe the rule can be worded in a way that incorporates that nicely, whereas simply saying that it's undefined behavior to cast away const and mutate would not allow it. But we cannot say that it's defined behavior to cast away const and mutate simply because you know that the data is mutable, or we do not have physical const, and const provides no real guarantees.

I agree, we can't just make the general case that you can cast away const if you know the data is mutable, given some configuration of function calls. There has to be complete visibility to the compiler within the same function to allow the possibility that some mutable data changed.

We can start with "casting away const and mutating, even if you know the underlying data is mutable, is UB, except for these situations:..."

The only except that makes any sense to me is when you're casting away const from the last const reference, so there are no const references left for the compiler to make any assumptions - so the case where you're trying to mimic inout. Something like

int x;
const int *y = &x;
*(cast(int *)y) = 5;

should be completely invalid IMHO. I don't see any reason to make it valid to cast away const and mutate just because the compiler can see that that's what you're doing, especially when it doesn't buy you anything, since you have access to the mutable reference anyway. Allowing it would just complicate things.

It might be possible to word the spec in a way to essentially allow you to do your own inout when inout doesn't cut it, since you're not really violating what const is supposed to guarantee, but for the rest, I say leave it undefined, because in that case you are violating it.

- Jonathan M Davis

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