On Wednesday, 19 August 2015 at 14:45:31 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

In the case where the pointer changes, you are in trouble. The original memory is now free, which means it can be overwritten by something else (either the C heap or some other thread that reallocates it). Then if your GC runs *before* you have added the new memory, it may collect the now-no-longer-referred-to data. It's no different than your original situation.

I actually think the case where the pointer changes is worse.

Yes I made the same observation in the meantime.

Also, I note that others have said one can call GC.collect from another thread, which is true. One could call GC.enable as well. If you have concerns of this happening (i.e. you don't control all the code, and think your code may coexist with something that calls GC.collect), the likely correct mechanism is to take the GC global lock while doing your operation. I'm not sure if you can do that via the current API, you may have to add such a feature.

Yes I figured as much. The entire purpose of this thraed was to point out that you can not safely forward a realloc to the GC. Unfortunately its not a option not to use realloc as I'm binding some code I don't have control over. To summarize the entire issue and a possible solutions I created the following ticket:


Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

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