On 8/25/15 9:51 AM, "=?UTF-8?B?Ik3DoXJjaW8=?= Martins\" <marcio...@gmail.com>\"" wrote:
On Tuesday, 25 August 2015 at 11:14:35 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On 8/24/15 5:34 PM, "=?UTF-8?B?Ik3DoXJjaW8=?= Martins\"
<marcio...@gmail.com>\"" wrote:
On Monday, 24 August 2015 at 21:03:50 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

I understand the inconsistency, and I agree it is an issue that should
be examined. But the issue is entirely avoidable by not using
incorrect methods to convert from floating point to integer after
floating point operations introduce some small level of error.

Perhaps there is some way to make it properly round in this case, but
I guarantee it will not fix all floating point errors.

What is the correct way to truncate, not round, a floating-point value
to an integer?

auto result = cast(ulong)(x * 10.0 + x.epsilon);

import std.stdio;
void main() {
     double x = 1.2;
     writeln(cast(ulong)(x * 10.0 + x.epsilon));

Sorry, I misunderstood what epsilon was (I think it's the smallest incremental value for a given floating point type with an exponent of 1). Because your number is further away than this value, it doesn't help.

You need to add something to correct for the error that might exist. The best thing to do is to add a very small number, as that will only adjust truly close numbers.

In this case, the number you could add is 0.1, since it's not going to affect anything other than a slightly-off value. It depends on where you expect the error to be.

As bachmeier says, it's not something that's easy to get right.

     double y = x * 10.0;
     writeln(cast(ulong)(y + x.epsilon));

     double z = x * 10.0 + x.epsilon;

these work because you have converted to double, which appears to round up.


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