On Sunday, 30 August 2015 at 06:07:25 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
To make the observation that someone unhappy with a state of affairs has the option to contribute the time to help move the world in the direction they think good is not quite the same thing as complaining about a lack of resources. Morale is important in long term projects that don't pay off very quickly, and constant nagging and grumbling doesn't tend to help, even in the case when it is entirely well founded.

Actually, it does help. There has been changes over time. Right now the most sensible thing to do is to focus on stability, refactor the codebase, document the codebase and track regressions. If you actually want others to contribute you need to leading by example... E.g. you need to get the boring stuff done first.

There is absolutely no point in helping out with a project that add features/optimizations faster than they are finished. Such projects are never finished. Even if you got 10 more people to work on it, the outcome would not be that it would be finished, you would end up getting more features, not more polish.

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