On Friday, 11 September 2015 at 20:16:42 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
On 09/10/2015 08:23 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

That's one of the main reasons that I hate the idea of named arguments. It's more stuff that's part of the API, more public stuff that you have to name correctly and risk bikeshedding arguments over, and more stuff
that can you can't change without breaking existing code.

- Jonathan M Davis

Note that parameter names can already be determined by user code using reflection.

True, but as soon as you're doing much with reflection, all bets are off anyway, because it often becomes trivial to break code by making small changes. And I think that it's pretty clear at this point that you can't expect parameter names to not change, since they're not part of the function signature (even if compile-time reflection does let you get at them), which would not be the case if we had named arguments.

- Jonathan M Davis

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