On Sunday, 20 September 2015 at 17:46:33 UTC, David Nadlinger wrote:

which is not how the AST class hierarchy in the compiler looks.

This is not to say that having pretty pictures for both of them can't be useful. However, you seemed to assume that the GraphViz file by Guillaume represented the grammar structure, and I wanted to point out that it does not (at least not directly).

 — David

Yes this is pretty dmd specific but since I'm trying (again) to fix linux/OSX CPP name mangling I need a comprehensive description of dmd's internals.

I'm also not convinced this is currently achievable. eg.

template<typename A, typename B> void foo(A, B) {};
template void foo<int, int>(int, int); // mangled as _Z3fooIiiEvT_T0_

This template instantiation is mangled as `_Z3fooIiiEvT_T0_`.
First argument type is substituted with T_ (ie. first int which is encoded i in the function). Second argument type is substituted with T0_ (ie. second int which is encoded i in the function).

dmd's internal will not create two different objects to represent the type int. So when encoding the argument types you have int and you can't know which one it is. Walter, if you have any idea :) I'm still struggling to understand the semantic of the fields of all the AST types.

This is important because is you reverse the arguments, then the type is mangled as `_Z3fooIiiEvT0_T_` (Note the inversion of T_ and T0_).

template<typename A, typename B> void foo(B, A) {};
template void foo<int, int>(int, int); // mangled as _Z3fooIiiEvT0_T_

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