On Sunday, 27 September 2015 at 06:34:29 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 9/26/2015 10:20 AM, Brad Anderson wrote:
Just a little aside tip, Windows search these days is actually really excellent for settings like this (and programs). Windows Key + "env" + Enter is enough to
get you to the dialog.

Sorry, but the env dialog box is a sad joke, at least on Windows 7.

1. You cannot select any of the text in the dialog.
2. You cannot increase the size of the dialog.
3. Longer values end in "...".
4. You cannot edit so-called "System" environment variables.
5. You can scroll the list up or down, but not sideways!

That all conspires to ensure that you CANNOT SEE what the longer values even are! It's pathetic.

Back to the command line for me.


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