On Saturday, 3 October 2015 at 01:58:01 UTC, Jeremy DeHaan wrote:
I know a lot of people wish they had new bindings for Qt, so I was going to give it a go soon. Is anyone currently working on such a thing? I'd rather help someone than compete with them.

I got quite far for Qt4 with https://github.com/alynch4047/smidgen and https://github.com/alynch4047/sqt . It's based on the sip bindings used for PyQt and for various reasons doesn't use externC++ etc (though that's easily changed) (I stuck to extern C). It handles virtual functions, namespaces etc.

I based it on PyQt4/sip because it means that a lot of work has already been done, and it's a Qt wrapping technology that I've had a lot of experience with and know that it works very well.

The code is well tested and I think isn't too far from covering most of Qt4. Only tested on Linux 64bit.

I stopped development due to lack of time and a concern that Qt4 was on its way out and Android / iOS / Java / Web were the realistic future (somewhat unfortunately).

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