On 25/10/15 7:15 PM, Rikki Cattermole wrote:
On 25/10/15 7:05 PM, Nerve wrote:
On Sunday, 25 October 2015 at 05:53:32 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:
I'm pretty sure e.g. opEquals/opCmp should work here.
Shouldn't need to switch upon a primitive type. Theoretically could do
it on a e.g. struct. Which has the special comparison that you want.

Hm...these are boolean operators. This means we can only compare two
cases at a time, does it not? Negates the strength of a switch/pattern
match, unless there's something I'm missing.

Well you only need to compare two cases.
I need to spend a bit of time, to see if what I think can be done, is
actually possible. Essentially toying with your 'Some' types comparison

What are these variable length structs you mention, and their special
comparisons? How would we use them?

Oh the idea was a complete flop. It's just an example of how welcoming
ideas are. Just no guarantee they'll make it to even a consideration
from Walter.

Just alter the value in v1 under the main function, to see the different behaviors.

It's slightly backwards, you expect what is default to be a case. I'm sure you can handle changing the logic of opEquals to be what you want.

Also to get a version of Foo that has haveVal as false, probably should be a static method, instead of that custom usage. Not to mention templating it ext. ext.

struct Foo {
        int val;
        bool haveVal = true;

        alias val this;

        bool opEquals(Foo f) {
                if (haveVal == f.haveVal) {
                        if (haveVal)
                                return val == f.val;
                                return true;
                } else
                        return false;

void main() {
        import std.stdio : writeln;
        Foo v1 = Foo(0, false);

        switch(v1) {
                case 8:
                case 6:
                case Foo(0, false):
                        writeln("no value");
                        writeln("unknown: ", v1.val);

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