Am Mon, 16 Nov 2015 08:49:57 +0100
schrieb Iain Buclaw via Digitalmars-d

> There should be ways to catch ABI changes in the build or test process.
> Maybe I'm misremembering something though. :-)
> There should be a degree of ABI compatibility between releases for plain
> static functions - assuming that we add no more properties to the
> language.  That leaves what breaks the most in moving to a new version are
> template instantiations, no?

Frankly I have no idea what level of testing is in place. :D
To be practical for package maintainers, we would need some
higher level common D ABI versioning scheme that includes
Phobos. Then I could start grouping libraries by architecture
and this ABI version instead of by compiler/FE version. But
let's take baby steps here and first get DMD to use DWARF EH.
Once we can dynamically link DMD<->GDC, DMD<->LDC, we can
think about a stable Dlang ABI in terms of EH, function
mangling, Phobos etc.
I can easily see Phobos being split out of the DMD release
cycle by then, with both loosely depending on each other.


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