On Sunday, 29 November 2015 at 18:54:04 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
On Sun, 2015-11-29 at 17:25 +0000, Poyeyo via Digitalmars-d wrote:

C/C++ make/cmake/nmake -> here be dragons

Or SCons if you want to be cool. I guess Bazel (and maybe Tup) might
become trendy.

perl CPANfile -> something perly
java maven -> xml

Does anyone still use Maven – surely the world has moved to Gradle with it's Groovy scripts using the Gradle DSL.

ruby gemfile -> ruby
python pip -> python egg

Python has moved to wheels, eggs were always crap.

php composer -> json
node.js npm -> json
go godep -> json

I am not sure this as as mainstream as this comment implies. Also a lot of people are using gb.

rust cargo -> rust manifest

Which is TOML.

d dub -> json and sdlang

Personally I abhor JSON for this kind of specification, it a transfer notation between computers, cf. XML. On the other hand I couldn't get SDL specs working. I will undoubtedly try again as SDL is just so much nicer than JSON for this. On the third hand lots of people seem addicted to JSON. On the fourth hand I cannot get worked up about this, it is just a build specification script which really ought to be written in D. cf. SBT for Scala uses Scala. Leiningen for Clojure uses Clojure. These languages have the right idea.

Oh, I just got worked up about this.

You can write build descriptions in D today:


Package dependencies still comes from dub, so JSON or SDL are needed for that. Any project that needs an imperative language to describe its build can use reggae for the heavy lifting and dub to specify dependencies. You don't even have to use dub if you don't want to.


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