On Tuesday, 1 December 2015 at 17:36:06 UTC, Chris Wright wrote:
Gay *people*. Not gays.

Oh well, I'm norwegian. I am indifferent to such nuances, I don't get the difference :). I think "gay people" in norwegian could be offensive too depending on how you phrase it, it could mark distance as in "those gay people that are not like us".

I've always just assumed that when Kathy Griffin can yell "ALL MY GAYS!" from a stage to applause then it is what one are supposed to say.

Remind me to give you a cookie when you're in town.

I will!

clear -- first he said that the range was inclusive, and later he even pointed out that, because it was inclusive, it would reduce the number of swaps near the head of the list.

Oh whatever :^), it was sloppy. See below.

But doing an average case complexity for exactly one simple case where the only random variable is the random number generator is often pretty easy. And that's what Andrei did.

My position is that you cannot assume that you can move from there to the average analysis for the algorithm as a whole, but since this is such a boring topic, let's let it pass and then we can discuss it later when you bring me my cookie! :)

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