On 12/04/2015 03:35 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 12/03/2015 09:24 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:
On 12/04/2015 03:18 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 12/03/2015 08:37 PM, Jack Stouffer wrote:
On Friday, 4 December 2015 at 01:27:42 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
These complexities must be reflected in the name of the primitives.

I don't see why. IMO, names should convey what the function does, not
how it does it. Complexity is usually put in the function documentation
in Phobos when it's not constant, especially for range based ones, I
don't see a reason to change that.

Complexity is part of the semantics, and in my design names and their
semantics go hand in hand. -- Andrei

Which is sensible. But in any given context, some parts of the semantics
are usually abstracted away. Sometimes one wants to abstract over
running times of called methods. ("This function calls this other
function at most O(n) times.")

Sure, and there will be provision for that. The collections framework
will contain logic such as: "If collection type C implements
insertAfter, then implement UFCS function linearInsertAfter that
forwards to it". So if as user you're fine with linearInsertAfter, it'll
work as an upper bound. -- Andrei

This only works if the module imports std.container. Also, I might be okay with arbitrary running times, even super-linear. There's also the case where I want to implement a wrapper around a generic container. I will then need to provide static introspection in order to expose the methods with the correct names.

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