On Monday, 14 December 2015 at 19:04:46 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
It's unanimous, at least among the three of us posting in this Reddit thread:

Take for example C# Docs: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.collections.arraylist.addrange.aspx

Syntax C#:

public virtual void AddRange(
        ICollection c

    Type: System.Collections.ICollection
The ICollection whose elements should be added to the end of the ArrayList. The collection itself cannot be null, but it can contain elements that are null.

Clean, simple and instructive!

On the otherhand, imagine a newbie looking:

bool isSameLength(Range1, Range2)(Range1 r1, Range2 r2) if (isInputRange!Range1 && isInputRange!Range2 && !isInfinite!Range1 && !isInfinite!Range2);

Well, most of my friends of college that I indicated D language thinks the D docs is confusing.


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