On Wednesday, 16 December 2015 at 17:14:50 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
So, I wrote this beautiful BigO framework: <400 lines all told, clear code, real nice. Then I got this cold shower:

void insertFrontMany(C, R)(C container, R range)
    @BigO(complexity!(C.insertFront) * linearTime)

My hope being of course that for containers with linear insertion time at the front I'll get quadratic, etc. The hitch is:

test.d(377): Error: undefined identifier 'C.insertFront'

So... attributes are currently not allowed to depend on template parameters, which is a serious damper on enthusiasm.

Seems to me this is a bug - different instantiations should have different attributes etc. Is there any matter of principle making this not work?

If this won't work at all, I'll need to resort to expressing complexity via traits. Not as nice!



What you are asking the compiler here is ambiguous. It is not clear if the attribute apply to the template (in which case argument may not be used) or the instantiated eponymous function in it.

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