On 01/18/2016 09:21 PM, Ivan Kazmenko wrote:
On Tuesday, 19 January 2016 at 00:11:40 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
4. sort was and is attackable before all of these changes

No, sort utilizes Introsort (Quicksort but switch to Heapsort if recurse
too deep): see
This improvement happened a year or two ago, when algorithm.d was not
even separated into sub-modules.

My adversary program (change "topN (a, MAX_N / 2)" to "sort (a)") admits
that by not being able to slow the sort down.  But, if I comment out
line 1053 to disable the switching, things go quadratic as expected.

L1053:    depth = depth >= depth.max / 2 ? (depth / 3) * 2 : (depth * 2)
/ 3;

The same remedy can help for topN: if we called partition more than log
(length) in base (3/2) times, switch to the heap implementation of topN
regardless of whether n is close to the edge.

Do you think sort and topN would be attackable if they used a per-process-seeded RNG as per Xinok's idea? -- Andrei

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