I like CTFE and the meta programming idea for languages like D.

However, I'm wondering why most (everyone?) is trying to do meta-programming using the same language as the one getting compiled. IMO the use-cases a pretty different and doing CTFE, code-generation etc. needs some other approach. If you look at all the strange template syntax, strange hacks etc. it's all far from being obvious.

Why not have a CTL (compile-time-language) that has access to some compiler internals, that follows a more functional concept? We are evaluating sequences of things to generate code, include / exclude code etc.

From my experience with the different approaches, functional thinking
is much better suited and simpler to use for CTFE goals.

IMO that would really be a big step ahead. Because you know a hammer, not everything is a nail...

Robert M. Münch
smarter | better | faster

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