On Sun, 31 Jan 2016 15:44:37 +0000, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
> bearophile:
> "I am sometimes able to write working D code almost as quickly as Python
> code"
> Yes, indeed - that's my experience too.  I wonder what we could do to
> make this most of the time, if not almost always, and for less
> experienced programmers than you.

Google's internal recommendations used to be: use Python when your 
project is going to stay small, use Java or C++ otherwise. Their recent 
recommendations are the same, but with the note that projects do not stay 

I feel like D catches up in productivity (purely from a language and 
tools standpoint, not from a library standpoint) within the first hundred 
lines of code. The only things I use python for these days are its REPL 
(which is a pretty nice calculator) and pretty-printing JSON.

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