On Tuesday, 2 February 2016 at 15:48:02 UTC, anonymous wrote:
"immutable" is not a homonym here. It means the same thing ("cannot ever change"). And it's not redundant either, as the two instances apply to different targets. It's clear what the first "immutable" ties to: It qualifies the return type. The second one is less clear: It qualifies the type of the object, meaning the method can only be called on an immutable object.

Leaving either of them out changes the meaning of the signature:
`int[] bar() immutable {}` - Return type is mutable now.
`immutable(int[]) bar() {}` - Object type is mutable now. I.e., this method can be called on a mutable object, and it cannot be called on an immutable object.

Making the return value immutable is a very different thing from making every value of the object immutable to the method alone. These are different meanings. It reads like a redundancy but has different meanings. This isn't good in my eyes.

Also it's not so much an issue of clarification - well, the extern one is, I genuinely didn't understand what the documentation meant - but it is an issue of the design choices not making much sense to me. These just stand out to me as unnecessarily confusing and obscure in an otherwise nice and clear language.

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