On Saturday, 6 February 2016 at 13:41:03 UTC, Piotrek wrote:
On Saturday, 6 February 2016 at 00:14:08 UTC, Mengu wrote:
and while we were talking the talk, rust community rolled out something good called diesel. check it out at http://diesel.rs/.

we need tools that get things done. we do not need tools that makes things more complex than they already are.

Almost no one (including me) is interested in ORM for SQL. The point is ORM+SQL is limiting and sooner or later you fallback to SQL.

Additionally there is no critical mass for this kind of big project (combining all the SQL engines - good luck).

Andrei suggested a CTFE sql parser, so people who like SQL (not me) can benefit from the D metaprogramming power.

For the rest there is my proposal ;) : a language embedded DB. As far as I can tell none of the known PLes has this "killer" feature.


i don't mind if it's an ORM or something else. my point was that instead of complaining about stuff, we need a safe, stable and extendable database library supporting sqlite, mysql, postgresql, mssql and oracle dbs and we need it like yesterday. nothing fancy. people can get creative and fancy over that standard api and users get to choose.

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