On Monday, 14 March 2016 at 08:04:18 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
Right now, I'm repeating the following pattern many times :

range.map!(x => cast(Foo) x).filter!(x => x !is null)

Which is kind of annoying. Could we get something in phobos to do this ?

BTW, .NET has an extension method called OfType<T> that does the same thing:
which is different from Cast<T>, which throws an exception if an element can't be converted:

How do you want to handle this? With two separate methods as in .NET, or with a template parameter?

Maybe something like this:

/// Returns a range that lazily iterates over
/// the elements in `source` and converts each
/// of them to type `T`.
/// If `throwOnConvError` is false, elements
/// that can't be converted will be skipped.
auto ofType
    (T, bool throwOnConvError = true, Range)
    (Range source)
    if (isInputRange!Range)

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