On Sunday, 17 April 2016 at 06:10:34 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:
We plan to add a set of numeric packages and this would be real pain if they would be one-by-one moved from experimental to stable std. So sci.* should be considered as experimental during few years.


As I wrote on the PR --

Introducing a new top-level package is a HUGE DEAL. For one thing, it will break build tools such as rdmd, which know which top-level packages to exclude from linking (as they'll be in phobos.lib). For another, it might conflict with users' packages.

We need a very strong reason to do this.


Also, what precedent does this set? If we start throwing image-processing code into Phobos, does that mean we should introduce another top-level package? Where do you draw the line?

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