On Tuesday, 19 April 2016 at 11:43:22 UTC, Anonymouse wrote:
On Tuesday, 19 April 2016 at 10:41:05 UTC, Jeff Thompson wrote:
I want to create a mutable array of immutable objects, but the code below gives the error shown below. It seems that "new immutable(C)[1]" makes the entire array immutable, but it seems I should be able to change the elements of an array of pointers to an object even though the objects are immutable. How to do that?

class C {
  this(int x) immutable { this.x = x; }
  int x;

void main(string[] args)
  auto array = new immutable(C)[1];
array[0] = new immutable C(10); // Error: Cannot modify immutable expression array[0].

Mind that this is akin to declaring a string (immutable(char)[]) and trying to modify an element.

You can append, though. Or rather, make a new array/slice with the new elements concatenated into it.

Thanks but then I'm confused as to why the following code is allowed. It is a mutable array of immutable strings. I can modify the array but not the elements they point to. What's so special about a string? Why can't I do that with my own class?

void main(string[] args)
  auto array = new string[1];
  array[0] = "a";

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