On 2016-04-19 10:57, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:

However, there are some good arguments for not just exporting everything -
particularly with regards to compilation efficiency. It's not that uncommon
for a library to have a public API that everyone should see and use while
having a bunch of functions that are used only internally and really
shouldn't be exposed to users of the library. To some extent, package can be
used to hide those, but the larger the library, the harder that gets. And if
a library is very deep (i.e. its functions do a lot for you), then you're
fairly quickly going to end up with functionality that ideally would be
hidden, and putting everything in one module or package isn't always

Can't the new package(name) syntax be used to solve this? Although this doesn't work for virtual methods.

/Jacob Carlborg

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