On Thursday, 21 April 2016 at 13:42:50 UTC, Era Scarecrow wrote:
On Thursday, 21 April 2016 at 09:15:05 UTC, Thiez wrote:
On Thursday, 21 April 2016 at 04:07:52 UTC, Era Scarecrow wrote:
I'd say either you specify the amount of retries, or give some amount that would be acceptable for some background program to retry for. Say, 30 seconds.

Would that actually be more helpful than simply printing an OOM message and shutting down / crashing? Because if the limit is 30 seconds *per allocation* then successfully allocating, say, 20 individual objects might take anywhere between 0 seconds and almost (but not *quite*) 10 minutes. In the latter case the program is still making progress but for the user it would appear frozen.

Good point. Maybe having a global threshold of 30 seconds while it waits and retries every 1/2 second.

In 30 seconds a lot can change. You can get gigabytes of memory freed from other processes and jobs. In the end it really depends on the application. A backup utility that you run overnight gives you 8+ hours to do the backup that probably takes up to 2 hours to actually do. On the other hand no one (sane anyways) wants to wait if they are actively using the application and would prefer it to die quickly and restart it when there's fewer demands on the system.

But background processes might run for months, so having a global threshold of 30 seconds combined with a 0.5 second delay between retries may result in too few retries in the long run.

So if the retry thing is really the way you want to go you probably need to keep track of how many times you've retried recently, and then slowly forget about those retries as more time passes (time spent waiting for a retry doesn't count). Of course this demands additional bookkeeping, but the overhead should be acceptable: the 'allocation succeeds' happy path doesn't need to know about any of this stuff.

But at the end of the day I would expect the user to be much happier if the software simply informs them of insufficient memory. The proposed retry scheme would only really have a positive effect when the system the software runs on spends a significant amount of time flirting with OOM, while never quite reaching it to the point where other applications start crashing. I think this scenario is very rare/unlikely, and if it occurs the user would benefit much more from shutting down some other applications, buying more RAM, or (*shudder*) by allowing swapping. By silently retrying you are effectively denying the user the information they need to solve the actual problem.

Meanwhile, on some operating systems (e.g. Linux) the system will happily hand out more memory than it physically possesses, because as long as you don't write to that memory it doesn't need its own page, so allocations will never return null (for some values of 'never', they can still return null if you run out of virtual memory, but on a 64-bit system that will realistically only happen if you specifically write your program to trigger this scenario). Writing to memory can summon the OOM-killer, which will kill processes to satisfy its desire to feast on the bodies of the fallen. On such a systems attempting to defend against allocation returning null seems rather pointless.

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