On Fri, 06 May 2016 08:32:03 +0000
Robert burner Schadek via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com>

> As discussed yesterday at DConf, curl in phobos must go.
> The plan is as follows.
> 1. undocument everything curl related in may 2016
> 2. deprecate everything curl related in may 2017
> 3. delete everything curl related in may 2018
> 3.1 move curl stuff to undead
> PR: https://github.com/dlang/phobos/pull/4283

Aside from the issue of a replacement, the normal deprecation process is to
deprecate the symbol (or module) but leave it in the documentation for a
year; then the documentation is removed, but the code remains for another
year; and then after that year, the code is removed. So, steps 1 and 2
should be swapped.

However, we _can_ put a message in the documentation about how we intend to
remove it (along with a short reason for it) so that folks are aware that if
they use it, they're going to need to change their code later. We've done
that with other modules previously (e.g. std.xml). The main problem, of
course, is then actually getting a replacement, which we have freqently done
a poor job of doing.

- Jonathan M Davis

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