On Monday, 9 May 2016 at 19:09:35 UTC, Joe Duarte wrote:
Hi all,

As I mentioned on the other thread where I asked about D syntax, I'm a social scientist about to launch some studies of the effects of PL syntax on learnability, motivation to pursue programming, and differential gender effects on these factors. This is a long post – some of you wanted to know more about my research goals and rationale, and I also said I would post separately on the gender issue, so here we go...

One (over-)simplified aspect to this, I think, is that men are more prone to the sort of monomania required to become expert programmers. Our life goals are also different such as Andrei and Walter being prepared to spend huge efforts (despite the real risk of failure) making their baby, D, successful. Women have a different emotional / life-goals setup, and are not inclined to such endeavours (massive generalisation I know, but we are necessarily talking in generalisations).

Of course all men and women sit on spectra of male/female behaviours, and we observers of those spectra each have our own unique life experiences of such, leading to different opinions. This is just my take on it.

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