On Thursday, 12 May 2016 at 08:41:25 UTC, John Burton wrote:
I've been unable to find a clear definitive answer to this so please point me to one if it already exists in the manual or the forums.

Is it safe to cast pointer types?

    double data;
    long p = *cast(long*)&data;

(Excuse any silly syntax errors as I'm doing this on my phone).

This used to be possible in C until people recently decided it not only was wrong, it had always been wrong :P (Ok I'm not entirely serious there but that's what this issue feels like...)

Is this legal / valid in D and if not what is the appropriate way to efficiently access data like this?

Yes, it's perfectly legal in @system code, but only if you know what you're doing ;) Take a look at std.math for example: https://github.com/dlang/phobos/blob/v2.071.0/std/math.d#L4839

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